Imagen del curso Advanced Optoelectronic Devices
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

The course aims to provide the student some advanced topics in the field of optoelectronic devices (light sources and photodetectors). It will be provided the basic theoretical principles, the characterization methodologies, and the applications of the devices. Particular emphasis will be given to the commercial devices and their applications. Students will be also required to watch some video concerning application and technologies. On successful completion of the module students will have gained a comprehensive knowledge of the modern light sources and photodetectors. They will understand the basic principles of operation and their applications.
The aim of the course is not only to enhance knowledge of modern optoelectronic devices, but also to give the students the methods and the tools to characterize them. Students will thus be able to understand and justify the behavior of the devices. On completion of the course they will also have acquired their own methodology for the analysis and characterization of the devices, in order to solve a problem as effective as possible. For a typical optoelectronic system they will be able to match the suitable devices.

(Thumbnail photo by Alexander Dummer @

Imagen del curso Analysis of Land Use Systems
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

The landscape we live in today is the result of millennia of transformations. Many would have happened in any case, regardless of our presence. Others, especially in the past twelve thousand years, have occurred as our predecessors have begun to domesticate animals and plants... then they developed key innovations such as writing which allowed information to be disseminated in space and time. In the last century, urbanization is the defining global phenomenon. More than half the world’s population lives in urban areas, and by 2030, in developing countries, the urban population is expected to double, and entire built-up areas are projected to triple, if current trends continue. Furthermore, in a period like this, in which after two years of pandemic the war has sadly returned to Europe, however, it is not possible to forget that in analysing our past the greatest transformations of the societies, and the environment in which they lived, occurred in coincidence with tragic events such as wars or epidemics. This course aims to involve you in the examination of all these transformations, especially the fingerprint recorded by the soils that are under our feet.

(Thumbnail photo by Tim Mossholder @

Imagen del curso Bioethics
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

Who is the subject of bioethical choices? How can society manage the challenges of technology applied to human life, in the sense of biological and biographical life? What ethical principles guide our relationship with the environment? The course addresses these questions analysing texts from the Anglo-American tradition of bioethical studies.
Bioethics thus emerges as an interdisciplinary and varied field of study, in constant dialogue with the spheres of law (debate between bioethics and biolaw), politics, sociology and psychology. The ethical perspective makes it possible to trace these different dimensions back to the questions concerning human action and choice, freedom and social co-dependence, the importance of the individual position and the intersubjective relationship. We will also focus on certain framework concepts such as secularisation and distributive justice.

(Thumbnail photo by rdaconnect @ Pixabay)

Imagen del curso Food Chemical Analysis and Safety Control
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

The aims of the Lecture program is to provide basics knowledge about the possible applicability of certification procedure to the chemical and physical laboratory analysis for food and food chain. At the end of the course, the student will be able to choose the appropriate analytical evaluation methods, to prepare the sample, to carry out the analysis and to perform calculations and to understand the obtained qualitative and quantitative from food and environmental matrices that may part of IPM procedures or also production.

(Thumbnail photo by Chokniti Khongchum @ Pixabay)

Imagen del curso International Law of Migrations
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

This course is an introduction to International Law of Migrations.Emphasis throughout the course is on the tension between State sovereignty and Migrants’ human rights and on recent trends in the relationship between the State’s right to control the entry and the stay of aliens in its territory and the migrants’ human rights. At the end of the course students should have a good understanding of the international legal framework concerning the whole spectrum of migrants’ movement: migrants’ leave of their State of origin, their entry into the host State territory, their stay there, and finally their leave from the host State.

(Thumbnail photo by Julie Ricard @ Unsplash)

Imagen del curso Landscape Planning
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

The Landscape Planning course deals with the study of the processes involved in the transformation of the landscape, from its formation, to its development, to the emergence and evolution of degradation phenomena, to the tools for safeguarding and protecting it. In relation to these topics, teaching activity is aimed at providing students with theoretical and practical tools to understand the complexity of the various components of the landscape, in particular by delving into the regulatory tools for landscape protection and those for landscape planning. 

The knowledge tools necessary for understanding different landscapes will be provided, comparing theories with the transformation processes of local landscapes in different territorial realities, in particular national and regional ones. Students will also acquire the necessary technical skills to analyse contents of wide area landscape planning instruments.

(Thumbnail photo by Ron Lach @

Imagen del curso Lingua Italiana A2
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

Questo corso di lingua italiana di livello A2 è strutturato in 6 moduli. In ogni modulo trovi: un compito; la soluzione del compito che ti propone l’insegnante; un focus grammaticale; gli esercizi; un test di autovalutazione.

(Thumbnail photo by Alissa De Leva @ Unsplash)

Imagen del curso Machines and Plants for Environmental Protection
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

The course is an academic program for MA and BA students focused on agricultural implements and machines for soil conservation, plus machines, instruments and techniques for precision agriculture, as well as anaerobic digestion plants for air protection.The course provides students with:

  • knowledge, capacities and competences on machines and plants for environmental protection, i.e. soil conservation, prevention or minimisation of soil compaction, reduction of crop inputs and spatially variable depth soil tillage, according to precision agriculture principles, as well as energy valorisation of organic substrates;
  • basic technical and scientific knowledge and technical and economic selection criteria of the machines and plants for environmental protection;
  • competences about the types, characteristics, main parts, working, performance, management and basic evaluation and selection principles of machines and plants for environmental protection.

The course is based on theoretical framework about basic physical quantities and practical aspects of measurements, as well as within-field soil and crop parameters.The course will be the combination of lectures and case studies, both as on-line recorded video presentations.

(Thumbnail photo by Mark Stebnicki @

Imagen del curso Neuroanatomy
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

The proposed course is a module of the Integrated Course of NEUROANATOMY, NERVOUS ORGANOGENESIS, NEUROPHYSIOLOGY C.I. , teaching of the master's degree course entirely in English called Neuroscience of the University of Palermo.

To understand the contents and achieve the expected objectives from teaching, the student must possess knowledge on the structure and ultrastructure of cells, on the organization of tissues. He must also possess the systematic, macroscopic and microscopic anatomical bases of different organs and systems of the human body, of the thoracic cavity, of the cavity abdominal-pelvic, upper and lower limbs, neck, including the vascular structures and generalities on the nervous system, as well as the main ones changes that occur with aging. Robust knowledge of biochemical processes underlying neural functions and communications.

(Thumbnail photo by @

Imagen del curso Nonparametric Statistics
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

The course aims to guide the student to the knowledge of the basic methods of non parametric statistics and the acquisition of the ability to apply these methodologies to real datasets. Students should be able to understand both the positive and negative aspects of nonparametric and semiparametric statistics with respect to the parametric ones; use these techniques to investigate real datasets.

(Thumbnail photo by Lukas @

Imagen del curso Research Methods in Clinical Psychology
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

The purpose of this course is to describe and explain research methods in clinical psychology. The course will elaborate the methods of conducting research and the broad range of designs and practices for developing a knowledge base.
Specifically, the course will evaluate diverse research designs, methods of assessment, and many procedures. The goal is to help students to develop a research study in clinical psychology and to evaluate the studies that others have completed.
Moreover, the course will help students to consider the complexity of variables in the clinical contexts and their assessment with suitable methodologies.

(Thumbnail photo by Alicia Christin Gerald @ Unsplash)

Imagen del curso Technology and Quality in the Food Supply System
FORTHEM - MOOCs Unipa 2022

The course aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge to manage quality in raw material supply and food distribution systems, as well as the skills to analyse the different production models, processing operations and organisation of the food industry. In addition, students will have the necessary knowledge of unit operations used in the food industry with regard to the storage, processing and production of food, ingredients and beverages.

The module has the following objectives: knowledge of food stabilisation and processing.

(Thumbnail photo by Antoni Shkraba @